Herbal Baths
Tie one cup of dried herb or two to three cups fresh herbs into a loose bag of cheesecloth or nylon hose. Place bag into enamel pan. Cover with water and bring to a boil. Turn off heat and cover with lid and let steep for 15 minutes. Pour into tub of warm water and enjoy.
Try using lavender flowers, jasmine, rose petals or lemon balm leaves.
Lavender Bubble Bath
bunch lavender
1 large bottle clear organic shampoo
5 drops lavender essential oil
Place the bunch of lavender head down in a clean, screw-top widemouth jar. You really only need the flowers, so cut off any long stalks. Add the shampoo and the lavender oil. Close the jar and place it on a sunny windowsill for two or three weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain the liquid and rebottle.
Scented Dusting Powders
5 tablespoons unscented talcum powder
1 tablespoon cornstarch
5 drops rose or jasmine essential oil
or 2 drops peppermint oil
Makes 2 ounces