Greetings, and fondest welcomes to my drawing room. As you can easily see, the drawing room is one of the most lovely aspects of any Victorian home. It is a private retreat from the outside world, where one is free to indulge in correspondences: calling cards,invitations,and yes, even the occasional love letter. :-) Of course, every lady of the time was known to keep a journal of her life,her loves,and her courtships..the cosy sanctuary of this room makes it an ideal place to indulge in such romantic reveries and forget about the hardships of daily life. I do hope you'll follow the links on this page to learn a bit more regarding the importance and customs of Victorian writing and correspondence, and perhaps read a few of my own idle ramblings. When you're through here, do stop by my parlour. It is home to some of the lovely cards,poems,and gifts that I've recieved, and pages dedicated to those close to me...what better place to share those than in my parlour, yes? Do enjoy your stay, and perhaps you'll take a cup of tea with me when you've finished your excursion?

*~ A Lesson In Victorian Correspondence ~*
*~ A Bit On Beethoven, and the "Immortal Beloved" Letters ~*
*~ Cyrano's Secret Love Letters ~*
*~ Friendship Cards: A Lovely Gesture Of Affection ~*