Greetings, and fondest welcomes to my *~ Victorian Garden ~*. I'm delighted you've stopped by...a most pleasant reminiscing of days gone by awaits you inside. On these pages, you'll find a little bit of well as a little bit of nothing...but certainly something to capture your attention. Do join us inside for a short visit...oh, and since you've found yourself here, please do take the moment to sign my guestbook and let me know a bit about your journey.
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All images,text,photographs,and original work contained within these pages is copywright of *~ Lady Guenevere's Enchanted Kingdom ~*,1998-2000. Use of any of the materials contained within the *~ Enchanted Kingdom ~* is a violation of copyright, and strictly prohibited without express written permission of the webmistress. If there's something here you'd like to use for personal purposes, please e-mail to obtain permission. Time is precious. Creativity is more so. Please respect this little disclaimer. :-)
The painting on this page is Dante Gabriel Rosetti's "Ghilandata"...Rosetti is the brother of famed Victorian poetess Christina Rosetti, who often served as a model and image of ideal beauty in the Pre-Raphaelite years. Rosetti was fond of painting redheads (which is one of the reasons that is the painting of choice here...*lol*), as he was rumoured to have kept a beautiful mistress who made red hair fashionable in the time. :-)